Sometimes life can feel very hectic, like the day is just a constant list of to-dos that are pulling me this way and that. One of the things I love about painting is that the noise seems to quiet down. Time passes both quickly and slowly and I feel just a calm sense of focus.
Beyond the act of painting itself, my art practice has also enriched my life in so many other ways. After I started painting, I noticed myself paying more attention to the beauty of nature around me — the colors of the petals of a flower, the shape of its leaves.
For this collection, I really wanted to embrace every part of my art practice - from gathering inspiration, to painting, to the completed piece - and intentionally enjoy each moment of the process.
“Dancing in the Wind,” 12”x16”
These beautiful paintings are the results of that intention. These paintings are love letters, from me to you, from me to myself, from me to flowers, and from me to my art practice. I hope you enjoy them! They are now available through Well and Wonder.